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[] Kai epebalen o basileuV AssouhrhV foron epi thn ghn kai taV nhsouV thV qalasshV.
Pasai de ai praxeiV thV dunamewV autou kai thV iscuoV autou, kai h perigrafh megaleiothtoV tou Marodocaiou, eiV hn o basileuV proebibasen auton, den einai gegrammena en tw bibliw twn cronikwn twn basilewn thV MhdiaV kai PersiaV;
Dioti o MarodocaioV o IoudaioV estaqh deuteroV meta ton basilea Assouhrhn kai megaV metaxu twn Ioudaiwn kai agapwmenoV upo tou plhqouV twn adelfwn autou, zhtwn to kalon tou laou autou kai lalwn eirhnhn peri pantoV tou spermatoV autou.
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